
Bede’s Book Club

Bede’s Book Club launches again this month with our book choice for September, The Paris Novel by Ruth Reichl.  After reading North Woods by Daniel Mason earlier this year — a sweeping novel whose main character was a place, a glorious piece of land, and its transformation moving through various residents and history — we’ve chosen a novel set in Paris in 1983 and will explore personal connections and the breaking of the boxes we create seeking safety. Paris, books, art, and, of course, superb food. What could be better?  We meet 9 to 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 5 in the Youth Room. Come join us —  and bring a friend or neighbor. It’s a fine introduction to our community. — Ann Latta, Book Club coordinator

Other Announcements

Pizza Theology

Our Pizza Theology gatherings will return in September to offer informal discussions of spiritual issues large and small. Discussion topic to be announced. Please join